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  • Writer's pictureYongle Voynich

The World’s a Jar

All the world’s a jar, I

Hop, the striped bars into the

Sky, and watch with widened eyes,

The swelling notes that vanish high

Into the bluing, spinning



I skirt the vapid vapor-lid,

Lift a cumulus by its brow,

Swing from staff; to and fro,

Hear the violins’ sombre pitch:

The coming crescendo

And mellow peak.

The blackened cape above this jar,

Is pierced by twinkling lights.

What a wonderful sight!

I say, to all the wishing stars.


And longing sounds reach tired

Ears, the silent pop!

That, tender, comes:

To love-lorn heart

With weary start,

I leave the lonely stars.


Hear, the music swell and carry far.

The world’s a jar — my love sealed,



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